Labor Day Jokes Captions

130 Labor Day Jokes Captions, Memes, Quotes and Funny Puns for Instagram

Labor Day Jokes Captions: Get ready to laugh this Labor Day! Our blog is all about the fun side of this holiday. From hilarious jokes to rib-tickling memes and inspiring quotes, we’ve got it all covered.

Celebrate the day off work with a good chuckle and share these jokes and memes with your friends and family. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy the lighter side of Labor Day!”

Labor Day Jokes Captions

  • Why did the factory worker get kicked out of the Labor Day party? He couldn’t stop making puns, he was a real work of art!
  • What’s a construction worker’s favorite type of music? Heavy metal!
  • Why don’t we tell secrets on a farm on Labor Day? Because the potatoes have eyes and the corn has ears!
  • How did the carpenter fix his mistake on Labor Day? He nailed it!
  • What’s the laziest type of train? The stationary engineer!
  • Why did the banker take a day off on Labor Day? Because he lost interest in work!
  • What do you call a dentist on a Labor Day weekend? Flossin’ around!
  • Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field of work!
  • What do you call a lazy doctor on Labor Day? A stethoscope-dreamer!
  • Why did the computer go to work? Because it had a byte to eat!
  • What did the janitor say on Labor Day? “I’ve been sweeping the nation!”
  • Why did the police officer go to the beach on Labor Day? To catch some criminals at the sand bar!
  • Why don’t scientists trust atoms on Labor Day? Because they make up everything!
  • Why did the math book look so sad on Labor Day? Because it had too many problems!
  • What do you call a bear who loves Labor Day? A hard-hat enthusiast!
  • Why did the tomato turn red on Labor Day? Because it saw the salad dressing!
  • What’s a plumber’s favorite movie on Labor Day? Pipe Dreams!
  • Why don’t skeletons fight each other on Labor Day? They don’t have the guts!
  • What did the traffic light say on Labor Day? Don’t look at me, I’m changing!
  • Why was the broom late for work on Labor Day? It overswept!
  • What do you call a Labor Day celebration in outer space? A moonunion!
  • Why did the gardener get promoted on Labor Day? Because he was outstanding in his field!
  • What do you call a bear on the job? A blue-collar bear!
  • Why did the musician take a break on Labor Day? He needed a rest note!
  • What kind of shoes do artists wear on Labor Day? Sketchers!
  • Why did the bicycle fall asleep on Labor Day? Because it was two-tired!
  • What’s a scarecrow’s favorite type of work? Farming! It’s their field!
  • Why did the football coach go to the bank on Labor Day? To get his quarterback!
  • What’s a cow’s favorite day? Mooonday!
  • Why did the bee get a day off on Labor Day? It needed some buzz-free time!

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35 Labor Day Funny Jokes

  • Why don’t we tell secrets on Labor Day? Because the potatoes have eyes and the corn has ears!
  • What’s a firefighter’s favorite day? Blaze Day!
  • Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field of work!
  • What’s a lazy person’s favorite kind of lawn? A sloth!
  • Why did the banker take a break on Labor Day? He lost interest in work!
  • What’s a plant’s favorite day? Stem-tember 1st!
  • What do you call a lazy doctor on Labor Day? A stethoscope-dreamer!
  • Why did the scarecrow get promoted? Because he was outstanding in his job!
  • Why did the musician go to work on Labor Day? He needed a rest note!
  • What’s a panda’s favorite kind of work? Bear-y important tasks!
  • Why did the bicycle fall asleep on Labor Day? It was two-tired!
  • What do you call a Labor Day celebration in space? A moonunion!
  • Why was the math book sad on Labor Day? It had too many problems!
  • What do you call a bear who loves Labor Day? A hard-hat enthusiast!
  • Why did the traffic light take a day off? It was feeling green with envy!
  • What do you call a worker who doesn’t love Labor Day? Jobless!
  • What do you call a lazy dog on Labor Day? A laborador!
  • Why did the gardener get promoted on Labor Day? Because he was outstanding in his field!
  • Why don’t scientists trust atoms on Labor Day? Because they make up everything!
  • What kind of music do butchers listen to on Labor Day? Chop hits!
  • What’s a chicken’s favorite holiday? Hen-dependence Day!
  • Why did the tomato turn red on Labor Day? Because it saw the salad dressing!
  • What do you call a lazy construction worker? A cement-idle!
  • Why did the computer take a break on Labor Day? It needed a byte to eat!
  • Why did the janitor take a day off? He was sweeping the nation!
  • What’s a scarecrow’s favorite kind of job? Farming, it’s their field!
  • Why was the broom late for work on Labor Day? It overswept!
  • What do you call a comedian’s favorite holiday? Laughter Day!
  • Why don’t skeletons fight on Labor Day? They don’t have the guts!
  • What’s a plumber’s favorite movie on Labor Day? Pipe Dreams!
  • Why did the football coach go to the bank on Labor Day? To get his quarterback!
  • What do you call a bear working on Labor Day? A blue-collar bear!
  • Why did the cow need a break? It was udderly exhausted!
  • What’s a bee’s favorite day off? Buzz-less Day!
  • Why was the chef tired on Labor Day? They had a recipe for disaster!

Labor Day Puns for Instagram

  • “Let’s ‘nail’ this Labor Day with some fun!”
  • “Hope your Labor Day is ‘wrench’-worthy!”
  • “Labor Day: ‘tool’ good to be true!”
  • “This holiday’s ‘hammering’ in good vibes!”
  • “Wishing you a ‘saw’-wesome Labor Day!”
  • “Have a ‘drill’-lightful Labor Day weekend!”
  • “Time to ‘paint’ the town for Labor Day!”
  • “Hope your holiday is ‘level’ above the rest!”
  • “Sending ‘plenty’ of good wishes for Labor Day!”
  • “Let’s ‘measure’ the joy of Labor Day!”
  • “May your Labor Day be ‘bolt’-astic!”
  • “It’s time to ‘construct’ some great memories!”
  • “Wishing you a ‘fasten’-ating Labor Day!”
  • “Hope your holiday is ‘weld’-one!”
  • “Sending ‘sander’-ful wishes for Labor Day!”
  • “May your day be ‘driven’ by fun and relaxation!”
  • “Let’s ‘screw’ the stress and enjoy Labor Day!”
  • “This holiday’s ‘tape’-solutely fantastic!”
  • “Sending ‘pliers’ of love this Labor Day!”
  • “Have a ‘router’-ly fantastic Labor Day!”
  • “Hope your holiday plans are ‘building’ to perfection!”
  • “May your day be ‘hammer’-ing with joy!”
  • “Wishing you a ‘lumber’-ific Labor Day!”
  • “Let’s ‘bolt’ to fun this Labor Day!”
  • “Hope your day is ‘nail’-ing all the good times!”
  • “Have a ‘wrench’-tastic Labor Day celebration!”
  • “Sending ‘levels’ of happiness your way!”
  • “Let’s ‘chisel’ out some amazing memories!”
  • “May your holiday be ‘drill’-ightful!”
  • “This Labor Day, let’s ‘screw’ work and have fun!”
  • “Wishing you a ‘paving’-ly fantastic Labor Day!”
  • “Hope your holiday plans are ‘bracing’ for fun!”
  • “Let’s ‘saw’ goodbye to stress this Labor Day!”
  • “Sending ‘router’-y vibes for a great holiday!”
  • “May your Labor Day be ‘sander’-fully relaxing!”

Labor Day Quotes Funny

  • “Labor Day: when we take a day off work to celebrate working.”
  • “Labor Day is the day we honor the people who work hard… by not working.”
  • “On Labor Day, we pretend we’re not laboring over the barbecue.”
  • “Labor Day: the only day it’s socially acceptable to wear white pants while doing nothing.”
  • “Labor Day: the one day we’re not too ‘hammered’ to celebrate work!”
  • “Labor Day: because even machines need a day off.”
  • “I always take a day off on Labor Day. It’s the workaholic in me.”
  • “Labor Day is like a weekend, but with better weather and more grilling.”
  • “On Labor Day, we honor the workforce by avoiding any actual work.”
  • “Labor Day: the annual excuse to nap, grill, and avoid responsibilities.”
  • “Labor Day: where sitting around doing nothing is considered productive.”
  • “Celebrating Labor Day by doing the bare minimum.”
  • “Labor Day: because celebrating work by not working makes perfect sense!”
  • “Labor Day: the day we honor work by taking a break from it.”
  • “Labor Day: the unofficial ‘don’t answer work emails’ holiday.”
  • “On Labor Day, I celebrate by pretending I’m not thinking about work.”
  • “Labor Day is the perfect excuse to slack off in the name of celebration!”
  • “Labor Day: a day where the only thing heavy lifting is the burger to your mouth.”
  • “Celebrating Labor Day by pretending I know how to relax.”
  • “Labor Day: when I pretend I’m on vacation while sitting in my backyard.”
  • “Labor Day: a holiday for people who love holidays, not workdays.”
  • “Labor Day: because adulting can take a break, too!”
  • “Celebrating Labor Day by giving the remote control a workout.”
  • “Labor Day: the only day I’ll willingly labor over a grill.”
  • “On Labor Day, I’m working hard on my relaxation skills!”
  • “Labor Day: where my productivity is directly proportional to the size of my BBQ.”
  • “Labor Day: the day my idea of exercise is flipping burgers.”
  • “Labor Day: making the most of a day off without lifting a finger… except to eat.”
  • “Labor Day: the day I set a record for most hours spent in a lawn chair.”
  • “Labor Day: because pretending to work less is an art form.”

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